
ASEAN交流報告会 -Internet Connection with Myanmar –










The school assembly about ASEAN intaraction was held on 17th January. We connected with the Myanmar-students who came here last November with the internet.

After the intaraction, we communicated by sending postcards, and bringing some cards and local red chili ’ Naito Togarashi’ which our students grew. A teacher at our school who visited Myanmar during the winter holidays brought them. Also, he brought some gifts back for our students from Myanmar students.

A report of the NIYE interaction of Tokyo was given by the chairperson and vice chairperson. Then, the staff of Shinshu-Takato Learning Center gave a presentation of this program. After that, we had a meeting with Myanmar students through the internet.

Unfortunately, we could not hear from Myanmar because of a bad connection. Messages like “I’m glad you seem fine” “Keep in touch through the internet” were said by Takato students, and the Myanmar students wrote some messages on dessan note like “Please come to Myanmar” ”We would like to meet you again”.

We felt closer to Myanmar after this session.